
Archive for the ‘CDL Day 4 – 6 October’ Category

CDL Day 4 Match Blogs (Part 1)

October 9, 2010 Comments off

Match 1
UPM Tupai Kilat vs Masterskill Vipers

by Shahmi (UPM Tupai Kilat)

Hari ke-4 : UPM Tupai Kilat VS Materskills Vipers

Pada hari keempat ini, separuh masa pertama berlangsung dengan penuh dramatik, dimana tupai kilat telah berjaya mendahului separuh masa pertama. Pemain Tupai Kilat yang beraksi pada separuh masa pertama ini adalah Norkhizan, Ziman, Hafifi, Chin, Norain dan Yusra. Pada separuh masa pertama, Tupai Kilat mendahului pasukan Vipers dengan mata 1-0.

Hari keempat ini adalah hari dimana dogettes akan mempersembahkan satu persembahan kebudayaan pada waktu rehat kedua-dua pemain. Tupai Kilat telah mempersembahkan satu pesembahan yang bertemakan Satu Malaysia dimana menggabungkan kesemua tarian tradisional di Malaysia dengan diiringi lagu yang berjudul Selamat Datang.

Separuh masa kedua diteruskan dengan, Tupai Kilat menurunkan pemain-pemain mereka iaitu Ammar, Hasmawi, Lutfi, Amir, Ijan, dan Sham. Separuh masa kedua ini berlangsung penuh mendebarkan dimana sekali lagi Tupai Kilat turun dengan strategi yang mereka gunakan pada separuh masa pertama.  Permainan yang ditunjukkan oleh Tupai Kilat telah berjaya mengikat perlawanan dengan menjadikan keputusan 2-2. Tahniah Tupai Kilat kerana bejaya memberikan satu perlawanan yang menarik dan penuh bertenaga. Teruskan semangat ini untuk perlawanan seterusnya.

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Match 1
UPM Tupai Kilat vs Masterskill Vipers

by Brendan (Masterskill Vipers)

This was the day where we were all late for the match due to some mishaps. Deepest apologies! Anyways today we were  again up against UPM’s Tupai Kilat.

The first initial match was intense and as the games goes on everybody got all pumped up.On the first match we won with last hit from Senorita(jersey number 8).

Look at that pose. It’s a WINNING STRIKE!!!

Then number 8 from the opposing team got us back with catch. What a waste!

Did I mention this was our team’s logo. It resembles a viper-like serpent. It represents cunningness packed with potent venom! Our trump card.

But that’s enough to take out the Vipers. The bombarding of dodgeballs got everybody adrenaline pumped! The longer the game, the noisy the court is as if like a MEXICAN PARADE was on the move.

Below we have our Dodgettes performing their routine. This time it was cutural night. We have kicked it up a notch by mixing an Indian mix along by the Sarawakian dance followed by the ever modern Tectonik or so the term goes.

Our war cry before the charging to the battlefield! And it goes GO GO GO VIPERS!!!!


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Match 2
SEGi Avengers vs UCSI DD

by Hazz (SEGi Avengers)

Close Fight between Avengers Vs Devils Duke

In a tense match between SEGi Avengers and Devils Dukes, The Avengers came out short as they lose out 3-2 to Devils Duke.  In the fight half of the match, it was really looking like the first game was heading towards Avengers as Jason one of our inform player tonight put out a man of a match display as he took out the likes of Navid and Raj Khan by catching their balls. Even so, Avengers became more and more careless as they became less consistent and eventually lost their game. The next game was not much difference as there was fire burning in the Avengers as they try to prove their worth after losing badly in their previous match against them.  The first half ended 2-0 but it did not kill off their spirit. The second half became more intense as Devils Duke picked up the pieces and starts to build a lead and they eventually lead 3-0. The next game was an even more exciting one as Avengers pulled on back and due to the careless mistakes from Devil’s Dukes Casey in the end gave another one to the Avenging Avengers. It was a very entertaining match for the neutrals and it is certain The SEGi Avengers team will come out fighting and be more confident facing their remaining matches.

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Match 2
SEGi Avengers vs UCSI DD

by Amelia (UCSI DD)

Devil’s Duke against Avengers, makes the 2nd game against each other. Tough game, yet good. We have Ilya as our spoke person commenting on our moves and also the opposing teams. The first round of the first half, it was a tough game which left Kris the only one standing. But awhile later, she manage to touch the ball and brought Navid back into the game. With their teamwork, they manage to bring Raj back into the game. Raj gave a headshot awhile after he came back, and it was Kris standing alone with two others. She manage to bring KeeChai back which made them win. The first half got them a score of 2-0. The supporters of Devil Duke brought a lot of energy by cheering with intense spirit.

After the first half, came the dancers of both teams. Dancers of Avengers did a good job in bringing out the authentic Malay dance. So did the dancers of the Devil’s Duke who gave an authentic Indian dance.

After the short break, the next second half of the game started with more spirits from both teams and with more cheering from the cheer team. With number 7 of the Avengers who got killed by Casey from the Devil’s Duke team with his famous Jumpshot attack. Raj was next to kill Number 8 from the opposing team who is said to be the best striker on the team. It was then 2 against 2, Jason killed number 69 from the opposing team. And with the teamwork of Jason and Raj, they manage to kill all of the 6 players from Avengers. Avengers too did a great job by working together to bring the Devil’s Duke down. But for the last two rounds Avengers was playing real hard which I have to say Good Job to all of them, the last 20 seconds of the  game was 5 against 5 which brought a good game till the end. The last 4 seconds, the players from Avengers attacked Casey and he slipped and with that there goes the whistle which marks the ending and Devil’s Duke won with the score of 3-2, which Avengers won their last game. It was a good, intense game.


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Match 3
INTI Hybrids vs PSA Eagles

by Melinda (INTI Hybrids)

After an exciting and exhilarating match on Monday night, Hybrids were all pumped up with spirit. Tonight, our game was up against our first competitor from our first game : Eagles from PSA.  The last game, we took them by 5:1, but tonight, things got a little more interesting.

The game started off fast. Just after the first 30 seconds, 2 Eagles were retained and Hybrids was playing strong. The game went by with balls flying across the court and by the 5th minute, Hybrids had already scored our second point. During the last third minute of the first half, Eagles suddenly showed what we didn’t know was in them. With only one Eagle left on the court, he managed to save 2 balls and retained 3 Hybrids. Though Hybrids persisted in attacking and won the third set, the determination and skill showed by that Eagle shook us. With only a less than a minute left on the clock, Eagles took their chances, threw hard and precisely at the Hybrids. They charged, retained and their supporters chered. They managed retain most of our players, and when the whistle blew we were outnumbered. Suddenly, Eagles scored their first.

The cheer for tonight was a little different. CDL has set the theme to be traditional. Both teams brought into the court what we all tend to forget: tradition. Eagles performed a slow dance of a hero who took down his enemies slowly but strongly, and that certainly reflected Eagle’s spirit tonight. Our dodgettes on the other hand, put up an Indian dance accompanied with the famous song –Jaiho.

The second set began and Eagles were all strategically stood. They were in a line, and all had a determined look on their face. Hybrids quickly scored our 4th score, but were starting to get nervous over Eagles’ sudden show of skill and strategy. During the second set of the second half, Eagles refused to let their previous fate repeat itself. With the score of 4:1, Eagles stayed on, stubborn to allow an easy win.

During the 7th minute, Hybrids newest player was the only one left on the court. He took them down one by one, but all it took was a little swing from Eagles, and score! Eagles had their second point. At that moment, it seemed as if the Eagles we were up against were a completely different team. They were more accurate, persistent and coordinated. With so little time left on the clock, Hybrids lined our best players. Swing after swing and throw after throw, Hybrids put up their best to retain the Eagles. But this only pushed Eagles to their full potential; they showed an even more aggressive side and put our players in the detainment zone. Fortunately for us, experience overpowered determination.

With only 42 seconds left on the clock, the best of eagles were already brought out. Within that 42 seconds, they retained enough of Hybrids to outnumber us. When the whistle blew, Eagles scored another point.

The game ended with a 5:3. It was definitely not an easy win for hybrids. This time around, Eagles showed us what 2 weeks can change a team of great potential into a team of excellent improvement. It seemed as if we should start warning our counterparts of Eagles new boundaries and potential.

Just as the queue for players to leave came, a few of the Hybrids seemed extremely unhappy with some of our opponents. A fight broke out within the court. Marshalls were blowing their whistles, and players were seen pushing each other apart. The crowd fell silent and the whole hall suddenly dimmed.

As the secretary general of MAD walked in to resolve the matter, the crowd burst into harmony with a birthday song. The fierce looks on our players suddenly turned around and became big grins. They hugged the sec. general and threw him up in the air.

The whole fight was staged. And it was all an act to fool the birthday boy into action.

Tonight, we witnessed the strong comeback of Eagles, the beautifully themed dance and the staged performance that concealed a birthday surprise.  This year, clearly, CDL is witnessing a new culture being born.

As what the Hybrids would say: Jaiho!


Judge’s Comments:

1. You’ve got a keen eye for detail – which is great as you’ve managed to take your reader on a journey giving them a vivid mental picture of how exactly the game transpired. Keep up the great work!

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Match 3
INTI Hybrids vs PSA Eagles

by Nazri (PSA Eagles)


Pada 5 Oktober telah berlangsung perlawanan keempat buat pasukan Hybrics dan Eagles di Dewan Serbaguna Politeknik Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah (PSA), Shah Alam. Mereka berentap perlawanan pertama dengan tiga pemain lelaki dan tiga pemain perempuan. Eagles telah menurunkan pemain berjersi 11,5,9,8,17 dan 7. Manakala bagi pasukan Hybrics menurunkan pemain berjersi 27,8,9,25,99, dan 10. Perlawanan bermula dan 2 orang pemain Eagles telah tersingkir pada saat ke-20. Pemain Hybrics berjersi 9 telah berjaya menangkap bola dibaling oleh pemain berjersi 9 pemain Eagles. Perlawanan pertama berakhir dengan kemenangan milik Hybrics pada minit kedua dan 33 saat.

Perlawanan kedua bermula dengan pemain Eagles terkeluar dahulu berbanding pemain Hybrics. Pada minit ke  4minit dan 35saat permainan tamat dengan kemenangan turut milik Hybrics. Pusingan ketiga bermula dan pemain Eagles berjersi 56 adalah pemain pertama yang terkeluar pada pusingan kali ini. Pada kali ini, pasukan Eagles berjersi 8 berjaya menangkap dua balingan dari pasukan hybrics membuatkan pemain tersebut dapat kekal pada minit kelapan dan 43saat. 8minit dan 43 saat perlawanan ketiga tamat dengan kemenangan milik Hybrics.

Mata pertama Eagles dapat dikutip pada perlawanan keempat apabila masa tamat dan pasukan Eagles mempunyai bilangan pemain yang lebih ramai berbanding Hybrics di dalam gelanggang. Separuh masa pertama ditangguh dengan persembahan kebudayaan oleh kedua-dua pasukan. Pasukan sorak Eagles mendahului persembahan dengan tarian warisan Melayu dan diikuti oleh Hybrics dengan persembahan tarian Hindustan.

Separuh masa kedua bermula.  Hybrics menurunkan pemain berjersi 20,9,15,10,5, dan 77. Eagles pula menurunkan pemain berjersi  19,2,10,1,13 dan 14. Pada perlawanan pertama separuh masa kedua, pemain pasukan Hybrics telah terkeluar apabila gagal mengelak balingan dari pemain Eagles. Pada minit kelima dan 35 saat, Hybrics terus mencuri mata. Hybrics 4, Eagles 1. Perlawanan kedua bermula dan  pada minit keenam Hybrics dan Eagles beraksi dengan hanya seorang pemain di gelanggang. Perlawanan ini kemenangan milik Eagles dan Eagles mengutip mata yang kedua. Perlawan ketiga bermula dan Hybrics dapat mata kelima pada saat 58 yang terakhir. Perlawanan terakhir pusingan ketiga, hari keempat bermula. Eagles terus mengatur strategi untuk mengutip mata terakhir. Akhirnya, strategi Eagles berjaya dan mendapat mata yang ketiga apabila mampu bertahan sehingga masa tamat dengan bilangan pemain di dalam gelanggang lebih ramai berbanding bilangan pemain Hybrics. Perlawanan berakhir dengan nilai mata pasukan Hybrics adalah 5 dan Eagles mendapat sebanyak 3 mata.  Perlawanan tidak berakhir begitu sahaja apabila berlaku pergaduhan pemain antara Hybrics dan Eagles. Malangnya, itu hanyalah lakonan semata-mata kerana lakonan tersebut bertujuan untuk menyambut ulang tahun Wai Tat. Itulah dikatakan permainan penuh erti. Perlawanan berakhir dengan menyambut ulang tahun Wai Tat. Perlawanan ketiga pada hari keempat berakhir. Tahniah kepada Eagles kerana akhirnya berjaya mendekatkan jurang nilai mata dengan Hybrics. Tahniah juga buat Hybrics dengan kemenangan pada hari ini.


Judge’s Comments:

1. I had to cut marks because you kept spelling your opponent’s team name wrongly. Please be aware of details like these. Besides that, good match details – a few grammar details here and there.

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Match 4
KDU Chronos vs Sunway Pharaohs

by Fiona Tan (KDU Chronos)

I see the Chronos team coming again for the Campus Dodge ball League. As the players of Chronos is all injured and that sure make our chance of winning lower, but that didn’t stop us.  Well well the spirit in us sure makes me touch. *smile*J

If we can win Sunway once maybe we can win them again. I hope.

Will God give us a miracle and let us win? I really hope so. OK now we shall see the process of the game.

The injuries players being heal before the game.


After the 1st game, it’s time for the dodgettes.

After the amazing performance from the dodgettes of Chronos. It’s time for the second game to continue.

When the game end the results was a 5-3.

5 to Sunway and 3 to Chronos.

Well I see Sunway has improve a lot from the last game. They fight with more teamwork this time.

Truth to say the result sure was saddening thing to see. Well I am not really satisfied with the results. But looking at the players all injured and hurt, what I can say is FIGHT AND WIN FOR THE NEXT GAME.

The spirits of dodge ball is in our players. Not even the injuries stop them from coming to this match. I hope God can give me a miracle for the next game. We need all the lucks and I mean Good Luck.


Judge’s Comments:

1.It’s good that you made an effort to start your post of creatively, but there are too many grammar errors throughout the article which made it confusing.

Categories: CDL Day 4 - 6 October

CDL Day 4 Match Blogs (Part 2)

Match 5

By Leah Lewis (TAYLORS Hyenas)

And it’s the fourth day of CDL and our hyenas are up and ready to play! Playing for the hyenas today for the 3 on 3 would be Hui Xian, Pua sze, Rachel Tan, Jin, Boon and our captain, Wei Liam! Let’s go Hyenas!!

Spirits were high as the game started out well with no kills on the Hyenas side; they wiped Maestro out! As usual the players showed good sportsmanship and excellent team work; working together to make sure they dominated the first match. Kills by Wei Liam and catches by jin are always entertaining, right? The second game didn’t go so well for our players as they lost. Even though the reserves and cheerleaders did an excellent job at supporting their team, it was a straight win by Maestro. The third game was dominated again by Maestro as Boon was out first due to an attempt at a catch. Following that, Hui Xian was out due to a direct hit to her; impossible to dodge. Jin made an impressive dodge as he always does; leaping into the air to avoid getting hit. Our captain was the next one to be killed after his ball was caught by a Maestro player. Jin was out next, even though he tried his hardest to dodge the fast ball. Maestro’s player, number one was out next but unfortunately, due to all the kills by Maestro’s players, Pua Sze was the only one left. And an impressive win by Maestro; good job! The fourth game started in Hyenas’ favour as the number ten player for Maestro was out first. The next player to get sent out was Boon; another miss at catching. The next was Hyena’s catcher, Jin. Pua Sze was the next one to get killed; a good direct hit from Maestro. The cheerleaders and reserves cheerleaders cheered loudly for their players as the game went on, showing the spirit and support the Hyena’s are famous for. The next out was our captain again after two Maestros aimed directly for him; no way to dodge it. Hui Xian was the next out as she tried to make a catch but the ball slipped through her fingers. Rachel was the last one left and, though she tried hard and gave it her all, she was killed due to her ball being caught by a Maestro player. The last game of the first round was an easy win for the Hyenas; a straight kill by Jin followed by a quick contemplation by the marshals due to a hit by a Maestro player but after the whistle had sounded. The ending decision? Hyenas won the last game!

Our hot cheerleaders came onto the court showing real support and love for their team. Since the theme of the entire day was ‘Traditional’, they’d chosen to dance a traditional Malaysian dance first followed by a very sexy belly dancing number, using the song Jai Ho by the Pussycat Dolls. The song had been used by previous cheerleaders for other teams but our cheerleaders used real belly dancing moves, choreographed by one of our very own cheerleaders!

The next game started with high hopes again with Wei Liam, Deepak, Boon, Min Xun, Jin and the famed Jun Hsien playing for the Hyenas. There was tenseness in the air as the Maestro players spotted Jun Hsien; famed for his quick kills and dangerous fast balls. Deepak as well posed a threat thanks to his excellent aim and unseen fast balls. Unfortunately, Jun Hsien was the first one killed due to a shotgun move gone wrong. Next out was our captain again, Wei Liam. Deepak killed next, followed by a kill by Jin and Boon and finally, Min Xun was out due to a mistake in catching. In the end, although the hyena’s tried hard to make it, they lost the game. It’s okay Hyenas; it’s the first lose of the entire 4 days! Good job guys! Keep it up! Lets go Hyenas!

Judge’s Comments:

1.Great details on the match – especially with the players. And it’s good to see you sound positive despite the outcome of the game!

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Match 5

By Je Hui (METROPOLITAN Maestros)

A dream within reach yet feels so distant at the same time, isn’t just a mere dream with a little help of Campus Dodgeball League! And that’s why there’s something different, something special about tonight’s CDL game, because we get to witness a fusion of cultural dance and cheerleading from the sexy dodgettes of every team!!


While we were totally blown away by the dodgettes delicious performances from the earlier matches, nothing can ease our restless hearts as we’ll be facing the Hyenas from Taylors for a second time later! Brrrrrr! Whenever we reminisces our previous game with them, our heart would go ‘thump-thump-thump-thump-thump-thump-thump-thump’ hammering against our rib cages like crazy. Their attacks were fierce and merciless, every hit, if taken is bound to make the oh-so-unlucky area to agonize for days. No joking, we have evidences!! Not to mention that the thought of a headshot/faceshot from them is absolutely forbidden!! *touch wood* After all, no one wants to end up lying on a hospital bed speaking Maori and gibberish to the puzzled nurses and doctors for 2 hours straight just to tell them that he/she needs to pee.

Here we were, warming up outside and meditating for the best conditions while waiting for our turn~

Will the heart-wrenching history replay itself??

‘NO WAY!!!’

Roared Aamos and the rest.

We won’t let the Hyenas beat us for a second time!!! The thought of it is too devastating!!!

We’ll win them this time, or to be more realistic (it’s not like we don’t know where we stand), give them a ROUGH time trying to kick us out. We Maestros have been through hell with Aamos wearing his ‘I AM CAPTAIN’ shirt driving us during every training session as if there’s no tomorrow. We were so obsessed with dodgeball that not even the rain can drench our burning spirits to defeat the Hyenas, our arch nemesis since ancient times! (ok, I may have exaggerated a tiny bit on that.)

This time, the players met outside before our game starts to save time.


As the match begins, our players proceeded carefully. While we managed to knock out a few Hyenas, we still lost the first match.


We told ourselves.



Despite that we lost the first game, we remained vigilant and positive in the following matches. Players on the court were so aggressively dodging, ducking, jumping and not missing out shooting all the time! The Hyenas won another match, but we put up a tough fight for the Hyenas and by the time the first round ended, we can’t believe it ourselves, but we did it.


Score: Maestros vs Hyenas, 3 – 2





Our captain Aamos giving a pep-talk and strategy speech!!


When the Hyenas dodgettes finished their sexy performance, our dodgers re-entered the battle with such confidence and optimism we’ve never seen before!!!




The second round was so intense with all the male hormones boiling in the players’ veins while the crowds were cheering so wildly to show their support for their friends. The players from both teams not fighting on the court were shrieking and screaming so crazily, a player of ours, Elizabeth even ‘pop’ a vein in her left thumb for clapping too hard!!! (WOW. Never knew that could happen, good thing she’s right-handed!!)

The Hyenas were attacked our players so ruthlessly as they were desperate to catch up with out points. The moment both team players seized their balls, Jun Hsien and Aamos attacked at the exact same moment!!! The Maestro girls cheered and shrieked when Aamos was unscathed but Jun Hsien was OUT!!!!!

Jun Hsien, OUT!!



Even though the Hyenas’ star player was out, our players remained cautious and slowly picked out the Hyenas one by one as 6 minutes passed by!!!!





When the marshal finally blew their whistles to end the final match, victory was ours!!!!


Final score: Maestro vs Hyenas, 4 -3



Good Job Hyenas, they were really tough and the main reason we suffered. But the match was extraordinarily exciting and fun!!


Well, I’ll be signing off now, till the next match!



HAVE A BLESSED BIRTHDAY WAI TAT!!!! (If you’re reading this by any means) =D


Judge’s Comments:

1. The excitement in your writing leaps off the page and its infectious! Good job!

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Match 6
CITY UC Tigers vs KDU Ronins

By Ben Koh (KDU Ronins)

Ronins with a team still in recovery had great dreams for tonights match, hoping to steal a win to boost them in the group standings. Starting with the line up of Lollo, Timothy, Faiz, Jolyn, Shan Wei and Wei Yuan. The team started off well going head to head with those from the Tigers.

But it soon turned into a one way ticket and Ronins was going in the wrong direction; losing the first game. The second round saw a swap in the line up with Lollo being substituted with Ehkwan. There was a quick change in the atmosphere with the new sub turning on the heat and inspiring a win for the ROnins. The score was now one to one!

With all to fight for, both teams attacked the starting charge with full gusto! Tigers were unfortunately faster and shot a shot gun (a special technique in dodgeball where the runner runs for the ball and passes it to a shooter who is ready to shoot). However, the ronins defence was strong and no one went out. The match eventually went to the ROnins.

The all male event was next up, with all the macho man taking the field! Both teams kept each one entertained with throw after throw. Both seemed equally match and that showed in the final score. Ronins did avoid a defeat but only managed to steal a draw. We will have to try harder next time it seems. BUT WE WILL…RONINS NEVER EVER GIVES UP!!!!

Judge’s Comments:

1. Good details on the match, but the stretched pictures weren’t to great to look at.

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Match 6
CITY UC Tigers vs KDU Ronins

By Aman (CITY UC Tigers)

First of all Assalamualaikum..Salam Sejahtera  and Salam Satu Malaysia.., to all member of dodge ball league team. Today we, City TIGER again faced the RONIN from KDU for our second round league. We with the firing spirit were ready to face them with all the strength.

Starting the match, RONIN little bit manipulating the advantage where we from TIGER short one of our girl team player which is having the health problem. Despite that, the rest of the team more inspire with that which they consider as try to gain the winning for the unfortunate girl player that cannot play today. We push as hard as we can try to get the score point but we got beaten by RONIN 2 – 1.

Again we losing the focus of the games and been scolded by the captain. TIGER little bit exhausted after two and half hour waiting same as RONIN but look like they still maintain. We manage to get the tied point 2 – 2 in the earlier of the second half. Then we gain another score point by leading 3 – 2 but without any notice RONIN win their third score point in sudden.

When approaching the end of the games, TIGER take out all the energy to try to get tied with the RONIN for this second league match and we won. Lastly, after 3 – 3,both of the team were playing in the picnic mood then the match finish by the time count.

We will improve more in our next macth…see u all.


Judge’s Comments:

1. Good details on the match and on your team. However you must be careful with your grammar and sentence structure errors.

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Match 7

By Tyler (UCSI U Red Legion)

Came back stronger!

Today will be the fourth day of the Campus Dodgeball League. This time Red Legions were assigned to play against the Stroms from Taylors Lakeside. Once again, Red Legions have won the match with the score of 3 to 2 against the Storms. Though on the previous day of the competition, Red Legions were defeated by the Hybrids from Inti College, but that definitely did not bring the spirit of the Red Legions! Thus, we have proven to everyone by winning the game today.


On the first half, the starting line ups for the Red Legions were Benji, Jacky, Aaron, Vanessa, Valerie and also Summer. Though at first it was a bit shaky for the Legions, but they have kept their heads up towards the whole game. Plus with lead by our captain in the team, Legions had played their heart out. Well, not to forget, Aaron has once again done an awesome job with his catching and shooting as well. As the first half time hits zero second, Storm have lead the match by 2 to 1.

During the break in between the first half and second half, both team’s dodgettes have performed and it is really hard to explain the excitement with words. Well in other words, you should be here to experience it yourself. During the dodgettes, the captain of Legions have given some words to his team and with that, Legions have come back with more confidence. The 6 men from the Legions were Benji, Ah Kean, Aaron, Mamali, Ali and also Jacky. As for the second half for today, both Aaron and Jacky were doing really-really good with their catches and throwing.

As for the second half, it was a really-really tight match; where by Legions only get too tied up with the Storms at the almost final minutes of the game. When the point was given to the Legions, everyone in the stadium was cheering their lungs out. As for the both team’s supporters, they were so loud that when the head marshall was shouting, no one can hear what he was trying to say. It was that loud people. Anyways, as the both teams were fighting for the team, Legions tried to counter as much as they can and that have given them the advantage since the survivors from the Legions are more than the Storms. Everyone was shouting for the last 10 seconds countdown, and thankfully, the Legions managed to survive and they have been awarded with a point which means Legions won the match by 3 to 2 against the Storms.


That’s about for today; I wish everyone had a great time watching the games. Take care and good night!

Red, Red, Red Legion! Rawrr~

Judge’s Comments:

1.Good game details but what’s lacking is a story. You’ve done a good job so far on the reporting side but remember that you have to keep coming up with new ways to capture the attention of your audience.

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Match 7

By Adam Riff (Taylor’s Lakeside Storm)

A storm is brewing

After the last morale boosting victory against PSA, we again face the big guns of this crazy Group of Death. UCSi Red Legion gave us a hard time and downed us in the 1st meeting.

But we were ready this time.

Ready to bring the rain…

A big bad torrent of rain…

But First, A Birthday Surprise

Coincidentally, today was the birthday of one of our squad members, Rafiq Iqbal. The ‘family’ has always tried to celebrate special occasions together, especially when we have big games coming. His girlfriend, Michelle wanted to surprise him at campus and so we all did.

As I stood watching the laughter and cake-flinging, I felt a sense of camaraderie that is never seen in a sports club or any other club for that matter. After my recent personal issues, I teared deep inside; knowing that I could never have gone through it all without these bunch of jokers. My brothers and sisters, who will always be a part of this magnificent Storm; and me.

A Late Entrance

Our match was the 2nd last of the day and we decided to drive there ourselves instead of taking the team bus. We celebrated the birthday abit too much and arrived slightly later than planned. However, we were still focused on getting maximum points to finally be group leaders. This was the turnaround that everyone was waiting for, since the loss against them in the opening match. Our team still had time to fool around though. Talk about mental preparation. Haha.

The red revenge

Time was running slow for MAD as the teams celebrated Wai Tat’s birthday earlier in the court. So it was decided that the pre-match briefing should be done outside the hall to save some time. Funny thing though, as the coin toss was replaced by a simple ‘one-two-jus’. Proud to be Malaysian. Haha.

The air was thick with tension as players stared down each other on the court. Fierce rivals indeed. The 1st game did not go so well as Storm went down 1-0 quickly. It seemed like the players were not mentally prepared yet. However, in the next 2 games, the blue team raced into the lead as Fred put in a starring performance again. Killing 4 players alone in the 3rd game to make it 2-1, a former Hyenas star indeed. Mike was also particularly impressive as his ankle injury flared up yet still stayed in the court. It was not in vain as he dived down to make an important catch. The best comeback so far made in the league.

1Malaysia Extravaganza

MAD predetermined earlier that all teams must perform a cultural dance as part of the dodgettes’ halftime performance. As usual, the girls choreographed an awesome routine that incorporated Malay, Indian and Chinese traditional dance moves. They also roped some guys in to partner them in the Indian piece while the entire team was used as the grand finale of the act. We laughed unprofessionally throughout the dance but still managed to pull it all off. We were the only team so far to include the entire team so far.

Lightning Strikes twice

The 2nd half started with a good vibe for Storm as they go in with a 2-1 lead. Fred continued playing as his form was outstanding today. Mike was supposed to play but succumbed to his injury. It was some intense dodgeball with players being defensive; not wanting to take unnecessary risks. Red Legion got a game back to make 2-2 with some fine catches by their players. Ren-To was the last man standing in that game and did very well against the other lone UCSI player. Alas his shot was caught by the one in the red.

Only 3 minutes was left. Players started to panic and raced against time to make shots. In the chaos, both UCSI and Taylors teams had players shot down. Taking turns to kill each other’s players, it was difficult to see who would come out tops. Red Legion put on a defensive formation to run out the time and got the win with more players. Again, the match of the day. Impressive performance by both sides though Storm are dejected at press time. Still, I truly believe Storm will come out of the league triumphant.

Group Support

Spokesperson and player – Jeff Ler No.3

(It is inspiring to see this supposed invalid walking up the stairs in campus all the time when there are elevators, but Jeff takes the cake by dancing along with us at halftime)

Storm Dodgettes lead by Cassandra Kiu

These girls give their hearts and souls everyday to practice and perform for us. It never ceases to amaze me.

And well, there’s me…

Adam Riff. =)

Remind me to get new pictures for this section.

Judge’s Comments:

1.  Another great story on top of reporting on the match!

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Match 8
HELP Hyperblades vs SEGI Barbarians

By May Lim (HELP Hyperblades)

Should the yellows win the red that night, they’re be out of CDL for 2010.

Temperatures were running high at approximately 11pm that night. Cultural night as it was, heartbeats could be heard among the HELP Hyperblades players that night, even the sound of the balls being dodged couldn’t hide the anticipation, so thick you could slice it with a knife, of both teams: HELP Hyperblades and the SEGI Barbarians.

It was no wonder; the HELP Hyperblades were to play against the defending champions, the SEGI Barbarians that night. Even a dose of Revive isotonic drink, one of the sponsors along with Malaysian Dodgeball League, RTM, Lenovo, Figos, and a few others, couldn’t calm the players down.

Proudly marching into the court with their red, white and black jerseys (and some donning t shirts due to unforeseen circumstances), the HELP Hyperblades stood at their end of the court facing the the bright, bold yellow of the SEGI Barbarians.

First six consisted of the 3 usual males, Vinod, VK and Jun Kit, as well as Trisha, Shiann and Lynn. It was a disappointing first half of the first ten minutes, as the score was 2-0 to the SEGI Barbarians.

Frustration coupled with determination to win was probably what drove the HELP Hyperblades to pick up their game; they managed to catch up to 2-2 right at the last minute as Captain Tan Jun Kit managed to catch a ball thrown by the SEGI Barbarians at the LAST MINUTE, thus making the SEGI Barbarians short of one player as compared to the HELP Hyperblades.

Spokesperson Denise Chan, clad in a brilliant red sari (to match the HELP Hyperblades colours) was running on high, absolutely excited with the draw.

Choosing their song, Jai Ho, which means Destiny, the Dodgettes had their fair share of entertaining the crowd. After whole lot of hip shaking and jingling from the belly dancing skirts, the crowd was buzzing with even more excitement.

Like Shakira’s, DAMN, the HELP Dodgettes’ hips sure don’t lie!

Both teams were full of anticipation after the insanely exciting first half. The next 10 minutes, the hall could feel the tension along the 12 male players of both teams. It was super intense, the score went up to a draw once again to 3-3. It was a neck to neck race to the win; WHO WOULD WIN THIS ROUND?

Just as the buzzer went off, one of the SEGI Barbarians caught a ball thrown by the HELP Hyperblades, making the HELP Hyperblades short of one player, making the SEGI Barbarians the winner of this game, instantly kicking the HELP Hyperblades out of the next round.


Referees and Marshalls were called aside to discuss white the crowd of yellow were celebrating and the crowd of red and black were thundering.

Turns out, it was a draw after some heated discussion among the Marshalls and the SEGI Barbarians.

Guess we’ll be seeing the HELP Hyperblades in the next round.

WILL they meet the SEGI Barbarians again?
WILL there be any more last-split-second drama?

WHO will be this year’s champions?

Could it be the SEGI Barbarians once again? Or would they make way for a new team? preferably the HELP Hyperblades, of course 😉

Stay tuned for more!


Judge’s Comments:

1. Good details and choice of descriptive phrases, great pictures too.


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Match 8

SEGI Barbarians vs HELP Hyperblades

By Cedric


Its day 4 and what a day it has been. Don’t you think that as the day goes by every match is becoming more exciting? I can say that again because game 8 was nothing less than heart stomping. Defending Champions Segi Barbarians took on Help Hyperblades. It was fantastic when they first met on the first day of this seasons Campus Dodgeball League and it got greater when they met today.

Help Hyperblades came in this game looking confident and ready for second round after Barbarians taking them out 4-2 the last time they met. No player underestimated each other and Barbarians knew they were facing a good team and it was going to get nasty.

When the Head Marshal Raymond yelled 1, 2 Dodgeball, It was the moment the greatest game of the day had begun. Balls flew like bullets where no catchers dare to catch, and when they did it was awesome. First half ended with a draw, where both teams shared two points apiece. And like every other day the dodgettes played their parts, by entertaining and stress relieving.

Players came into the second half vicious and ready to win the game. The second half gets better because it was the all-male round and every guy on the court is eyeing for the gold. The second half was a little better and feistier than the first half. BUT the worst part was it ended with the first controversial decision this year. Barbarians who thought they won was sadly was wrong because of a decision the judge had made saying that Help HyperBlades had more players on the court when the whistle was blown.

Anyways, in a nutshell both teams played superbly and deserve great cheers. The game ended with Segi Barbarians drawing the game 3-3 with Help HyperBlades. Now what is going to happen on day 5, let’s wait and see!!!


Judge’s Comments:

1. Good details on the match, good introduction!

Categories: CDL Day 4 - 6 October